Uncle Randeaux's Baked Chicken
Roasted Chicken Cajun Style

Us Cajuns have to have our rice and gravy and this makes the perfect gravy!  Enjoy the main dish with just about any vegetables.


Garlic-5-6 cloves-min

Onions-one big one


bell pepper-1


black pepper

Worchesterhsire sause






Pre-heat ove to 360 degrees

Chop garlic, onion, scallions, and bell pepper and set aside in a bowl

Wash chicken and put in your pot

Cover the chicken, top and bottom, with mustard (see video)-(You will  not taste the mustard, it blends in as a spice.)

Sprinkle all sides of the chicken with worchestershire sauce (as in video)

Sprinkle cayenne and black pepper to taste (do not over do the pepper!)

(I do not add salt since there is plenty in the mustard and worchestershire sauce.)

Put in the oven and cover with lid

After 1/2 hour, add the bowl of garlic, onion, scallions, and bell pepper

There should be some juice from the chicken.  If not, add a small amout of water.

Depending on the size of the chicken, it should take about another 45 minutes to an hour to cook

Check about every 15 minutes.  Do not let it go dry or the garlic mixture will burn (most of the time, the chicken will make its own juice)

If needed add water.

When about 15 minutes from being done, bring the oven to 425 degrees

Brown both the top and the bottom as in the video

It should be falling apart and ready to eat!